Continuing in our series of “Taste & Learn” Events, this month we have Austrian Wines. Austria has been making wine for thousands of years, but theor wines are not well known in the United States. For ths tasting, we will focus more on the white wines with a red that helps you beat the heat. The line up is:

* Paul D Gruner Veltliner, Wagram
* Steininger Gruner Veltliner “Grand Gru”, Kamptal
* Pichler Krutzler Gruner Veltliner “Supperin”, Wachau
* Tegernseerhof Riesling “Terrassen”, Wachau
* Anton Bauer Zweigelt, Wagram
* Steindorfer “Seewinkel” BeerenAuslese, Burgenland

Tasters will get to see differing qualities of Gru Vee – from “bulk” Liter bottles to an ultra-elegant, single vineyard version. Then we will have a nice DRY Riesling, a summer red, and a real treat – Noble Rot Dessert Wine.

“Taste and Learns” are a cross between a relaxed tasting and a formal class. An expert will lead you through the tasting, but will keep the “learning” part as an informal question and answer session. If you want more details, ask questions; if not, just sit back and enjoy the wines.

click here: https:/ for tickets