It’s time to Celebrate Summer and the Riesling – the Queen of the Solstice.

Each year we tweak things trying to make the event even better than the last. This year, we are partnering with RockSalt Restaurant to do the oysters. We’ll be doing oysters 3 ways this year:

* Raw paired with Jagdschloss Brut Riesling Sekt
* Grilled paired with Schloss Muhlenhof Trocken Riesling
* Bienville paired with Urban Halbtrocken Riesling

We’ll also be walking around with some other tasty wines for you to sample. We’re not telling what those are some we don’t ruin the surprise.

When: June 20, 2015
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Cost: $40/person

Go to to buy tickets